05 February 2011

Little Moments

Today started off great. Me and little man slept in and didn't get out of the bed until 10:20, I believe. That's very rare in this house. We are usually up at the crack of dawn. We spent some much needed mommy-little man time! It was awesome to say the least. Talking and doing dot-to-dot on my phone. It's the little moments in life that make me realize how lucky I am. Lucky to be this sweet little boy's mommy! I wouldn't trade this wild and crazy 3 yr old for anything. I must add that he has speech delay though. He has come a long way since starting preschool and I am so happy for him. He has speech therapy once a week at school but I'm not sure that's what helped. Just being around his friends he has gained so many words, that before he could not say. I have noticed that his "blue" becomes "boo", "spoon" becomes "poon", and "tree" becomes "ti". Also "car" becomes "tar", "go" becomes "do", and "can" becomes "tan". I'm going to have to speak to his speech therapist about this but it sounds like a phonological disorder. I'm no doctor but I feel like I care more than his speech therapist does. I know they have had way too many snow days and it's hard to work with him in his classroom, but it has to get better. We are also in the process of trying to find a new home. My husband would like to be closer to work since he drives 45 minutes to get there now. My hope is that we can get in a school system that has worked with children like my little man. The days are frustrating for both of us when he can't get across what he's trying to say. I understand him better than ANYONE! There are still times when I can't. I would just love it if he could talk to his friends and say the things I know he wants to say. He is such a smart little boy. Now I'm rambling!

Me and little man worked on this project for him to take back to school on Monday.
I thought he done a great job with his name!
On another note hubby is on his way home. His schools ended up not going to the competition so he didn't have to stay! Makes my day a little better knowing he will be here earlier than he would have been.


  1. Hi, I am your first follower. I just started my blog a few weeks ago. I found your blog on housewife6diva's blog comment. My husband just joined the National Guard and is at basic right now.
    Frances@ www.workingonthesimplelife.blogspot.com

  2. Thanks Frances! Good luck to you and your husband. Hopefully his training goes well! If you ever need to talk, I'm here.
